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Common Sense Swift Water Rescue with H2O Dreams 2025

  • Breakneck Campground 1757 Cheeseman Road Portersville, PA, 16051 United States (map)
Keel-Haulers Sponsored - Common Sense Swiftwater Rescue - H20 Dreams

2025 Date: June 20th-22th

Cost: $150

Location: Slippery Rock Creek at Cheeseman Farm Breakneck Campground

1757 Cheeseman Rd, Portersville, PA 16051 : Google Map

Must be a Keel-hauler Member for at least 1 year.

The first 10 applications submitted with payment will be officially be registered. All remaining applicants will be waitlisted. Refunds will be issued for those not accepted into the class.

Registered Participants will be notified of their acceptance and will receive camping & course details. Campground fees and meals are not included.

About the course:

Whitewater diligence is as much about preventing accidents as it is knowing what to do when  rescue becomes necessary. Our Common Sense Rescue class will put you through the paces of not only fundamental rescue and safety skills, but how to prevent these scenarios from popping up while on the river. Safety is just as much about proactivity and prevention through common sense as it is technical knowledge and clarity under pressure.

Familiarize yourself with in-water comfort, gear and equipment, boat-based rescue, quick and easy rope systems, and more as every Swiftwater skill will fall into context for the common paddler. Gain comfort moving in and around the riverbed and begin to think preemptively regarding risk and consequence, and a whole new world of whitewater will unfold.

This class will uncover the power and gravity of the river and just how large a part you can play as a boater and leader while on the water.

Any questions or concerns please contact